Special Education

Mrs. Leah Villegas

Every child at West Park is unique and has strengths that we both celebrate and build on. It is also true that each student learns in different ways. While there are far more similarities than differences in all children, it is out goal at West Park to unlock and teach to the needs of all children. To that end we test all children in a process of “universal screening”. This is similar to taking your blood pressure. If everything is great we continue with solid scientifically based education. If we find additional information is necessary for assessment we give diagnostic testing to find out what may be needed to meet their unique needs. Needs are then met with additional “differentiated instruction” and interventions with reading specialists. If further interventions are found to be needed a team approach is used which may include very specific tests and individually designed instruction. The highest levels of interventions are delivered through Special Education.

Special Education Services at West Park

If your child is struggling in school, it is important to find out why. Special education is instruction specifically designed to address the educational and related developmental needs of children with disabilities. Each year in Idaho, more than 8,340 children aged 3 through 21 receive special education and related services. Disabilities include learning disabilities, speech, hearing and visual impairment, multiple disabilities, autism and more. Services to accommodate these disabilities might include speech-language therapy, physical therapy, assistive technology services, and special transportation arrangements.

If a team of teachers think your child may have a disability and may need special education services, they may ask you for permission to test for and provide the most intensive services to help your child.


National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHY)

Idaho Parents Unlimited: Supports, empowers, educates and advocates to enhance the quality of life for Idahoans with disabilities and their families